Insights from 9 Expert Financial Planners on What Being Rich Really Means

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By: Aquib Nawab

Money Tips

Jeff Rose, a renowned financial planner, believes that true wealth is about living with financial independence. He defines being rich as the ability to live happily and comfortably, free from the fear of financial scarcity, while also emphasizing the joy of giving back to the community.

1. Financial Independence

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Elizabeth Windisch views wealth beyond just the numbers in a bank account. Being rich means having the ability to meet both your needs and wants. True wealth is not just about having millions but feeling content and fulfilled with what you have.

2. Meeting Needs and Wants

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3. Succession Planning

Dillon Ferguson offers a practical approach to defining wealth. He suggests that you're likely in the rich category if you need to think about succession planning and estate management, indicating a significant level of financial resources.

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Emily S. Boothroyd sees wealth as a relative concept. She believes that being rich is about being financially comfortable enough to meet your personal goals, having a plan to sustain your finances, and feeling freedom in money matters.

4. Personal Financial Goals

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Eric Croak's perspective on richness is about freedom in decision-making. When you have the luxury of making choices without financial constraints, such as leaving a job without worrying about your next meal, you embody true wealth.

5. Beyond Money in Decision-Making

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6. Spending on Values

Misty Lynch connects wealth with personal values. She explains that being rich means having the ability to spend on things that reflect your values, like donating books to schools, enhancing the sense of richness through impactful actions.

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For Brittney Castro, wealth is as much about financial abundance as it is about enjoying and appreciating what you have. She believes living a rich life means feeling full of love, happiness, and enjoying material things as you desire.

7. Enjoying What You Have

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Matthew Hamilton focuses on the long-term aspect of wealth. He defines true wealth as having enough resources to quit working whenever you choose and maintain the same lifestyle throughout retirement.

8. Financial Independence for Retirement

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9. Time Freedom

Dan Routh equates true wealth with the freedom of time. He suggests that being able to delegate activities you don’t value or enjoy, like hiring a house cleaner to spend more time with family, is a sign of being wealthy.

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